


11940 N. Lower Sacramento Rd
Lodi, CA 95242

Invoice NumberINV-0154
Invoice DateMarch 31, 2022
Due DateApril 1, 2022
Total Due$0.00

Received an email from Mary Martinez on 3/29/2022, via Zix secure PDF send.  "It's Welcome Letter time!!!! It's that time again. We need to send our new members Welcome Letters. It's pretty large since it's been 3 months but members should now stop moving around from plan to
plan. Arranged by Zipcode and removed the unknown address."

Hrs/QtyServiceRate/PriceSub Total
3print setups

Envelopes, Lettters and BRM

18828Print Pages 1 1/1

18,828 variable impressions duplex, 1 color, black print. Merge Match for mail. For Mail is not taxable. Total of 3,147 mailpieces

3147Printing, #10, Window Standard Envelopes

2 color For Mail not taxable

3147Printing, BRM's #9

1 color, black print. For Mail not taxable

3147206 Fold and Insert

Collate 3 sheet member mailer, Tri-fold, insert into #10, Insert BRM #9 into #10, seal. .17 per insert

3147206 Mailers Mailhouse

minum charge for mail processing

3147Estimated Postage

Standard Class bulk, by zipcode.

Sub Total$5,246.27
Total Due$0.00